Q & A
GameON Presto! Everyone wins.
Q: Why do I need it?
A: Presto! engages your target audience while delivering competitive brain training. They learn, compete, review and retain the knowledge you determine is the most important for them to know. Meanwhile, you learn where your audience has knowledge gaps. Presto! is an engagement tool that gets your audience on the same page, with flexible, reliable and direct knowledge delivery. Q: What does a Presto! project look like? A: GameON Presto! for Sales Staff Training is a great example. It incorporates a quiz game designed to deliver company culture, compliance, procedural and software training is implemented for 50 sales staff at their annual meeting. To break up the two day event, the Sales Director has decided to use gameON Presto! to invigorate sales staff with a competitive review of the most important training items. Training items are no longer a chore to learn, as they become a competitive collateral. A leaderboard indicates the top players throughout the event, and prizes and public recognition are given to the top players. 30 unique items have been developed to bring new and existing sales staff up-to-date fast. The sales staff has fun and learns, and the annual event is invigorated with lively and purposeful knowledge engagement. Q: How does it work? A: A gameON Presto! project consists of four steps:
Q: What happens during the discovery workshop? A: We work with you to assess content existing according to the practical value, e.g. to improve business processes, to solve real world problems. We apply a quality system for information and knowledge which includes these dimensions: a) information quality dimensions
Q: How long does it take? A: GameON development and delivery cycle from start to finish is 3 months or less. Q: How much does it cost? A: EUR 3.980 includes gameON Presto! Discovery Workshop; smart, relevant quiz questions and feedback custom designed for your audience. (Up to 30 items); ready-to-play game delivery; event design, invitation and engagement management, software licensing (up to 50 participants); online support. Additional costs for event logo, graphic design, social media marketing, award ceremony, travel expenses. |
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